Working with subtitles in Transit NXT
With Service Pack 7, Transit NXT offers the option to translate subtitles for films, corporate videos and presentations. Traditionally subtitling has fallen outside of the scope of translation memory packages, perhaps as it was thought to be too creative a process to benefit from the features such software offers. However, with online video becoming an increasingly important part of the business marketing mix, many companies are looking to maintain consistency of terminology and style right across their published output, as well as wanting to make the most of their previously translated material. Well, now they can. And any Transit user can now produce professional translated subtitles with no previous subtitling experience.
Proofreading files with Transit NXT
The Proofreading mode is very useful for you as a reviewer or a project manager to review a translated file. Working in the Proofreading mode allows you to review specific segments of a file in which segments have been assigned different statuses. You can of course use the segment filter provided by Transit NXT, but the Proofreading mode automatically takes you to those segments that have to be reviewed instead of you having to filter segments manually.
Checking Markups in the Markup mode before exporting the file
In the previous tooltip, we saw how to insert markups 'on the fly'. Let's explore some more options for making sure that all markups are in place before exporting the document. Transit NXT provides you with an option of checking markups after translation.
Short cuts – Nº 6 : Inserting markups in the Transit NXT editor 'on the fly'
Working with markup ID's can be quite tedious especially if the segments have a lot of markups. And it is not possible to avoid markups because if they are not inserted correctly, you may not be able to export your file. Therefore markups require special care while translation. Let's first understand what a markup ID is.
Printing out Transit NXT files for proofreading
In this tooltip, we shall see different options for printing segments. This is an extremely useful feature offered by Transit NXT for proofreading purposes. Sometimes you might want to send segments for proofreading to a reviewer who does not have Transit NXT. In such cases you can print the selected segments of the project and send them for proofreading.
Transit NXT offers the following options for printing segments:
Short cut Nº 4: Entering and using notes for a segment
Notes is a very useful and practical feature provided by Transit NXT. As a project manager, you can enter notes in the "Source" field of the Notes window to draw the translator's attention on particular segments. And as a translator, you can enter notes in the "Target" field of the Notes window for pretranslated segments for example, or point out instances of unclear wording in the source text. Lets see how this works.
Revising with the internal repetitions mode
Sometimes, a project has to be split up between several translators so as to be able to meet the deadline, with the result that internal repetitions might be translated inconsistently by different translators. Transit's Internal Repetition Revision Mode enables you to solve that problem by revising all repeated ocurrences of segments throughout the entire publication.
Assuring quality: spell checking
Whether you are a translator, a reviewer, or a project manager, you might need to run some automatic quality assurance (QA) checks on the translation after it is completed. Transit NXT performs three kinds of QA: spelling check, terminology check and various format checks. Even if the translation has been carried out very carefully it is advisable to run the QA checks, just to be sure that no errors have slipped through.
Introduction to regular expressions in Transit NXT
Regular expressions, also called regex or regexp for short, are a very powerful functionality that allows certain text operations to be performed in an ergonomic way, thus optimizing workflows and saving time. Being an advanced functionality, it certainly takes some effort to master. But it always pays off.