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New Pretranslation options with Service Pack 7

New Pretranslation options with Service Pack 7

Transit NXT offers a wide range of pretranslation options. The new Service Pack 7 brings two additional pretranslation options in order to achieve more efficiency and accuracy during pretranslation. As a project manager, you can optimize on the reference material and use the segments that are absolutely required for pretranslation, irrespective of the language direction of the language pairs added as reference material.

The following two new pretranslation options are made available along with SP 7:

1. No pretranslation with unaltered segments

2. Language direction

These two new options are added in the Pretranslation tab of the Project settings window as shown in the figure below:

New pretranslation options

New pretranslation options

Your reference material may contain unaltered segments, i.e. segments that are exactly the same in the source and target language, which may not be required for pretranslation. If you select the No pretranslation with unaltered segments, these segments are not used for pretranslation, these will however appear as fuzzy matches.

Language direction is another new option added in the Translation priority section. Transit now uses language pairs with identical, reverse and indirect language direction for pretranslation. For example, if you are currently working on a ENG-ESP translation project, Transit considers the following projects added as reference material:

  • ENG-ESP project as reference material (identical language direction)
  • ESP-ENG project as reference material (reverse language direction)
  • DEU-ENG-ESP multilingual project as reference material (indirect language direction)

In the last case, Transit disregards DEU from the reference project and considers only ENG and ESP for pretranslation in the current ENG-ESP project.

Language direction is reflected in the Notes window and also in the Source fuzzy windows. With SP7, a new field called Lang. direction of ref. has been added to the Notes window (use the ALT+4 short cut to open the Notes window). This field displays one of the three values depending on the language direction of the reference material: Identical, Vice-versa and Indirect as shown in the following figure:

Language direction in the Notes window

Language direction in the Notes window

You will see the following icons in the Source fuzzy windows depending on the language direction of the reference material:

Language direction in the Source fuzzy window

Language direction in the Source fuzzy window

If you select the Language direction as the first option in the Translation priority section, the match with the same language direction is given priority over others during pretranslation.

In this way, you as a project manager, can not only benefit from reference material containing the same languages as the project languages, but also from the one containing reverse languages or from projects whose target languages are same as the source and target language of the current project. You will notice how useful these options are once you have imported your project after selecting these new pretranslation options.

Do try out these new pretranslation options offered by Service Pack 7 and let us know if you have any feedback. Also do not hesitate to let us know if you would like us to write on any specific feature of Transit NXT about which you need to know more.


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